Old Street

Old Street

Finsbury Leisure Centre, Norman St.

mapPlayers' Lounge

Old Street 3G surface3G surfaceOld Street Changing roomsChanging roomsOld Street FloodlightsFloodlights2 x 6-A-Side 3G Pitches 2 x 6-A-Side 3G Pitches2 x 5-A-Side 3G Pitches 2 x 5-A-Side 3G PitchesIn partnership with Better In partnership with Better10 min walk from Old Street 10 min walk from Old Street

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Looking to join your local football league? Then, enter your team into our PlayFootball Old Street 5-a-side or 6-a-side leagues.

If you and your team fancy joining our premium 5-a-side or 6-a-side leagues in Old Street simply submit an enquiry form today and we will get in touch!

All PlayFootball leagues are played on floodlit, all-weather, flawless 3G pitches. We’re proud to say that we offer an unrivalled service across all our leagues, as well as all our leagues and referees being FA accredited.

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Old Street leagues are in proud partnership with local sports pub, The Volley, providing you and your team with brilliant benefits for playing in our Old Street leagues!

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